[CLOSED] Want an Invitation to Pinterest?


I've mentioned pinterest a lot in the past few weeks--it's an astoundingly addictive free site for compiling images online. You make virtual bulletin boards and just "pin" whatever images you want to them. This week, pinterest was kind enough to feature my what to wear inspiration board on their compilation of spring looks.


Because the site is still in beta, it still can be hard to find an invitation to join, but have no fear, Pinterest is offering 15 readers custom invitations to the site! If you want to enter to win one, leave a comment below with your email address and an idea of how you might use pinterest (to keep track of outfit inspiration, to plan a party, to think about decorating a house, etc.). I'll pick 15 people next week!
UPDATE: Pinterest will be emailing the 15 winners with their customs invites. Thanks for entering (and p.s. you're always welcome to write me if you're dying for an invitation--I have a couple extra).
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