Style Chain

Style Chain

Works Cited
red-orange skirt: american apparel
striped tee: target
belt: j crew
flats: uo

Style Chain

I like the term "style chain" because it sounds so much nicer than "copying" which always got you in trouble in third grade. I've seen a few people wearing this simple but completely alluring combination of striped top + orange skirt that Kendi ingeniously put together a few weeks ago. After I saw Erin's version and Jinah's, I was dying to copy, I mean style chain, the look myself.

Style Chain

Also, the extremely talented Mary Plautz just redesigned things around here and she did an amazing job (if you're like me and read everything on a reader, come on over today to check it out)! She was exceptionally patient with a million of my bullet-pointed emails and she designed a layout that was more me than I thought possible. And she did it for a ridiculously low price, so if you're looking to redesign your page, find her here.

P.S. I hear some people are having problems with readers/Bloglovin'. Would you send me an email if you are having difficulty viewing posts this morning for whatever reason? Then I can get it all sorted.
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