Friday Night Lights

If you're wondering what to wear to your own housewarming party, there's only one right answer. A lobster dress:

Friday Night Lights

Works Cited
dress: anthro
flats: yellow box

Friday Night Lights

On Friday night, Christopher and I threw a little housewarming party at our new place. We drank whiskey-gingers and played games until way past my bedtime. It was a lot of fun and the lobster dress was a hit (at least with my friend Sarah, whom I adore and not only because she always tells me I look cute).

Friday Night Lights

While there's no denying that this dress is outstanding, it falls victim to the big gripe I have about stuff from anthropologie: it's not always versatile. While you could wear a gray tank dress about a million times and no one would really notice, a lobster dress is not exactly so subtle. Yes, I could throw a black cardigan over this and wear it to teach (and I probably will), but for the price tag, anthro's garments are not always be as wearable as I want.
What's your take? Maybe I just need to be a little more inventive with my eccentric dresses?
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